KIFA usurping KI Council’s prerogatives? — Cr Walkom’s QoN, 2012.08.08

Reading these answers to Cr Walkom’s questions, it would appear that a government-appointed body, KIFA, has been quietly usurping Kangaroo Island Council’s prerogatives.

See also:

The kind of “future” KIFA is brewing for Kangaroo Island — an in-depth article by Liz Melling, 2012.05.31

The KIFA booklet “Paradise girt by sea

— KIpolis webmaster

Cr Walkom – Questions on Notice 8 August 2012

Answers by Andrew C Boardman, Kangaroo Island Council CEO

H. Confluence of KIFA and Council’s objectives

A year ago Councillors sought to understand how Council was to relate to and interact with KIFA and was advised that “we have no idea how KIFA will function other than the broad terms of reference within the Paradise Girt by Sea document we have nothing to work with to formulate any kind of endorsement. We would hope that the Authority will meet this month (July 2011) and indicate to Council and the Community how it intends to work through the recommendations contained within the report.”
We were also advised by the SA Government appointee Jayne Bates that she represented Council’s views on the KIFA board.
Within Council I requested of Mayor Bates to provide Council minutes of the KIFA meetings to provide Councillors with a regular update on KIFA activities. This did not happen.
On the SAG website the following summary appears on KIFA:
The Kangaroo Island Futures Authority is an independent body responsible for improving social and economic conditions for Kangaroo Island residents while preserving the special qualities that attract international tourists. The authority is developing a five-year plan to guide the improvements and achieve the targets of South Australia’s Strategic Plan on the island.
It seems that this is quite similar to Council’s responsibilities.
Some Councillors recognise that Council’s strategic plan needs to be reviewed to align with the state strategic plan. Additionally there would seem there may be a number of areas where Council might review its strategies and plans on fully understanding KIFA’s endeavours.

1.            Has Council received a strategic plan from KIFA?


Answer H1:

No – there is no strategic plan – only Key Objectives that were reported on by Kris Roberts GM KIFA when she presented to Council. KIFA reports to the Minister and Board Members represent the Board of KIFA.


2.            Has any working party been set up to liaise with KIFA?


Answer H2:

No – there is a stakeholder group that GM KIFA meets with after each Board Meeting to report back on progress and to consult with. The group comprises representatives from the main Island Community, Producer and Agency Groups. The Mayor, Deputy Mayor and CEO from Council are part of this group.


3.            What guidelines have been provided to the mayor to ensure that Council’s goals and objectives are in confluence with KIFA and KIFA with Council?


Answer H3:

None. The Mayor sits on the Board of KIFA as an independent member representing the Board.
KIFA’s objectives are those determined during the State Economic Development Board’s consultation process with Council and the Community back in 2011. Council had a significant involvement in discussion and submission to the Board and these comments informed the original Paradise Girt by Sea report. KIFA have been provided with copies of any Strategic Planning documents that may have been deemed to be relevant (KIC Strategic Plan; KIC Airport Master Plan etc – these documents have been referenced by KIFA as required.
Where KIFA has determined that work is required to establish further information on a topic (e.g. the airport) and is prepared to commission consultancies to research this, then Council have been briefed and have received reports from KIFA when complete (e.g. 1st Phase Airport Review by Phil Baker). As Council would be aware this particular report recommended further work be undertaken to supplement this report and Council Officers, KIFA and have been working closely together to establish what form this should take. The first part of the 2nd Phase Review which is the establishment of a model that can determine investment “tipping points” for the airport is due to be published shortly.


4.            Is a memorandum of understanding to be established with KIFA?


Answer H4:

No. This is a State Government to Local Government relationship and as such does not require that such an understanding be established.

At this point in time KIFA are in “data collection mode” – whether that be in the form of:

face to face discussion with stakeholders across the range of key objectives or formal consultancies preparing detailed studies on key aspects of an objective or working across the breadth of Government Agencies identifying availability of resources, information and input into building the knowledge bank
Ultimately this knowledge bank will inform direction and that direction will need to be consulted upon. Council will be involved in this process throughout.


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