Half a million $ of council rates are lost to bank interest annually — Chirgwin, Tim, 2012.05.24

At the “Budget meetings” so much time was taken talking about the goals and dreams of Council that little opportunity was left to address the questions and concerns raised by the public. Unfortunately the programmed time to stop for drinks doused any significant open discussion (an important part of feedback, “getting the other side of the story”, and broadening the discussion within the community).

Much time was then taken up promoting unreliable wind turbine power, though it will not provide any additional base load power for any new enterprise, nor allow for present ones to expand. Even though it was stated that this wind generator would provide 30% of the Island’s power, it does nothing more than redistribute who supplies the present capacity, puts money in the pocket of certain investors and means that Australians all pay more for electricity to compensate for the return on grant subsidies (read. Free lunch) that council hopes to get with its sales pitch.

If anyone thinks that council should curb its spending, contrary to the Mayor who advocates increasing debt (more than $500,000 of our rates being lost to bank interest annually), they should not just complain to those few councillors who oppose the historic spending spree (for they are out voted), but write to other councillors who have brought us into this position,…and stop wasting resources harassing those who want greater transparency and accountability.

Enough writing!… I’d better get out to work so I can pay for the 50% additional surcharge on my vacant block’s rates, the $202 rubbish pick up fee I pay for no pickup, the imposed sewerage connection charge (now $6107) and the $562 annual charge even when no sewerage is emitted.

Tim Chirgwin
Cygnet River
Kangaroo Island


[This letter was published in a slightly modified form in The Islander 2012.05.24]

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