Indifference to the environment shown by Council, DENR and Sealink — Walsh, Liluella, 2011.10.16

It is disappointing that you and members of the Council have given the go ahead for Surfing SA to impose over 5000 people on this fragile environment at Vivonne Bay, rather than looking at better site alternatives for the festival. It is distressing that the concerns of the local community at Vivonne are largely being ignored. No amount of “mitigation” and “education” of a largely drunk crowd of festival goers will lessen their impact upon environment and community.
I speak for myself and many others who live here at Vivonne that since the events announcement I have lost 5 months of my life being stressed as I come to terms of this events impact upon our home. I am worried about the pressure put on environment but also many other things, like the bushfire risk, road risk and the social and cultural fabrics of this sleepy town being ripped apart by the events development.
I am concerned that government and corporations have bypassed proper event protocols in their greed. I am concerned that there was no consultation with community and fear this but a door opening for other such developments that are at detriment to the community and environment.
I work in a tourism business here at Vivonne and EVERY single tourist who raises the festival in conservation cannot believe there is a mass tourism event being held here. They come here to get away from this type of tourism, they come here for wildlife and remoteness and a pristine environment. It is why I chose to live here.
The structure of the platform and stairs is visible from all areas of the beach, fore dune in front of the estate, jetty and Pt Ellen. When you live here and walk on this beach every day it sticks out like an eyesore. It is like a scar on the dune especially when I surf at my local break Spot X and look towards the shore. Prior to this development there was no structure visible from the beach or Spot X apart from the jetty and houses at Pt Ellen. The pathway that was hardened down to the beach was hardly in use prior to the events announcement. In the three years I have lived here I had never seen anyone use that path, and no footprints.
It makes me feel sick that those within DENR who have given approval for this development are negligent in the true purpose of their job – to protect and conserve the environment. It is disappointing that Sealink are developing this area in their greed with no concern to the biodiversitiy of this fragile environment.
I have tried to protect my home and my concerns have been ignored. Kangaroo Island is not the place for mass tourism, and I feel as though the Council have no idea in how to look after its community and environment sustainably. Instead there is support for a monopolising ferry company who are happy to cram as many people as they can on this Island with no regard for the community they are impacting upon and the environment they are irreparably damaging. There needs to be a realisation that we cannot make money off these environments, that we need to look after them as once they are destroyed they will never come back.
I am leaving the Island for a while as I cannot bear to watch my home get raped by this event. I sincerely hope the Council are prepared to mop up the mess as I fear Surfing SA have little idea in how much damage will be caused by their event.
Regards, Liluella Walsh
Council wrote a response, but did not wish it to be made public

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