Kangaroo Island surf music festival: probably a failure? – Walsh, Zephatali, 2011.10.07

Did anyone notice the failure of Surfing SA during this years knights beach pro?

Even though some of the worlds best bodyboarders attended (Mitch Rawlins, Dave Winchester), the public was scratching to find out anything about this HUGE event.  It should have been easy..the calibre of wave, surfers and national stakes (championship points) should’ve meant the event had resounding attention and celebration… but it didn’t.

The online telecast of the event had many problems that were not resolved quickly or at all, the PA system was substandard and kept stuffing up (squealing, scratchy and technical problems), the announcement for people to take their rubbish with them came only once and only after most of everybody had left.  An embarrassment to the International Bodyboarding Association.

The telecast problem should be highlighted as major stuff up from SSA.  They use the existence of the medium as a way to mitigate the potential for there to be a devastating number of spectators on the beach during the proposed event.

Did anyone notice the Yorkes Classic last weekend?
Probably not, even though this is SA’s longest running and most prestigious surfing event.
Surfing SA are just not credible and have no record of successfully informing the SA public (not to mention the Australian and international public) about these surfing events.
For anyone thinking the proposed surf music event on KI will promote the island and boost tourist numbers, not to mention the surfing in South Australia…
Look at the evidence.
In 2009 Surfing SA held (despite local community outcry) an invitational event at ‘Yannerbie Bombie’ (a well known big wave location) near Streaky Bay, on the Eyre Peninsular.
They scored.  Huge swell with perfect winds, thanks to the help of local surfers who clued the organisers onto the best time of year and the best conditions for the event.
Some of Australia’s up and coming stars attended (including Teale Vanner). The event was unique in being the first tow-in competition in South Australia. (using jetski’s to catch the waves)
The perfect waves, epic surfing and unique nature of the event was outstanding to see…for those in the know.
Have you ever heard about it???
Perhaps. Did you take any notice or spend more than half a minutes thought on it?
Did it make you want to go to Streaky Bay and see or experience the surfing firsthand?
Put into context that the local surfers of Kangaroo Island HAVE NOT been consulted (with the exception of Tony Blight) during the organisation of the event.
In fact, the vast majority of surfers on KI are either opposed to the proposed event location or advise that the wave quality at Vivonne at any time of year, especially during November, is of poor standard.
Put into context the surf media coverage of the event already. Although not many of the general public are privy or have interest in the surf mags, online forums and Fuel TV coverage, the publicity this event has already received is (mostly) really negative.
Put into context the organisations who have committed to making sure Surfing Sa is publicly held responsible, along with the State Government, for the damage that is and will be occurring.
Outstanding organisations that include: Surfrider, Eco-Action, the Conservation Council of SA, Positive Change for Marine Life, North West surfers Alliance, Mid west Surfers Alliance, National Surfing Reserves Australia and SurfsouthOz… just to name a few.
A big point here is that damage sustained, in terms of: species of NES population genetic division, allogenic reactions to disturbance (creating habitat loss), pathogen introduction, sand drift, species of NES breeding/nesting disruption and juvenile fatality CANNOT be financially recompensed. 
These impacts will have unavoidable and permanent repercussions on the ecosystem at Vivonne.
Put into context the negative publicity already seen in the Advertiser, the Islander and wider general media….
Does anyone feel the surf music event will have a lasting positive impact on KI’s tourism and KI Councils image?
The only positive I see is for Sealink, who have received a taxpayer funded lot of infrastructure allowing them to cut off the Vivonne Bay businesses from tourist traffic.

One thought on “Kangaroo Island surf music festival: probably a failure? – Walsh, Zephatali, 2011.10.07

  1. Please make contact regarding ongoing problems with SSA and ASA ,the environmental and cowboy issues aren’t going to just disappear

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